
Baptism is an outward display of our inward faith and is shared with other believers after someone has already placed their faith in Jesus Christ for Eternal Life.   Baptism symbolizes both the sacrifice of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ who redeemed us and how through our faith in Christ we are transformed from death to everlasting life.  At UHBC we love to celebrate with believers in their public advertisement of the redemption and justification of Jesus Christ in their lives!

Interested in Baptism?

After someone has placed their faith in Christ for eternal life, we encourage them to be baptized by immersion as Jesus Christ our example.  This is often one of the first public steps a new believer takes in their discipleship journey and an easy way to reflect Christ and share with others your life change.  If you are interested in being baptized or learning more about baptism, let one of our staff or deacons know and we would love to celebrate with what Christ has done in your life with you or email Pastor Rodney here: